CARES: Building Bridges for
a Brighter Cambridge
Adrienne Klein is a proud mother to a now-thriving toddler who survived open heart surgery at
just three weeks old. Adrienne is a supportive wife to an entrepreneurial chef from Argentina
who is working hard to establish a local business while navigating the immigration process,
adapting to a new language and culture. Adrienne is a devoted daughter caring for aging parents,
helping them navigate the reality of her mother’s worsening Parkinson’s Disease. Adrienne is
also the sole breadwinner for her family. Just like many residents in Cambridge, Adrienne works
hard to support her family through these complex challenges.
Yet these personal challenges have only fueled Adrienne’s passion to ensure that Cambridge
becomes a city that champions equal access to resources for all its residents. Adrienne stands
up for her family every day – and she will stand up for you as a member of the City Council.